Industrial Design
Industrial design can help teams work better with each other, identify a problem and solve it in a timely manner, and improve existing designs. These steps are worth the time.

Prototyping in Industrial Design

The industrial design prototype can be seen as a bridge between the initial conceptual design phase and the manufacturing production phase. Prototyping will be done in conjunction with product design to ensure that the development process continues to perform as.

What is Industrial Design Prototyping?

Industrial design is the professional practice of developing and manufacturing products, equipment and services with a particular focus on form and function. Industrial designers typically study how consumers use a specific product and then collaborate with other professionals, such as engineers and marketers, to create concepts and designs for inventions. Industrial designers typically focus on one product category, such as automobiles, furniture, or household appliances. They focus on all aspects of the product's functionality and manufacturability, and whether it meets the needs and expectations of the target consumer.

Why Prototyping Is Essential To Good Product Design?

Prototype design is critical to getting closer to the real functionality of your product. Sketches, wire frames, blueprints and mock ups are great, but the prototype is what’s going to bring your product to life. You, your investors, and your future customers will want to touch, feel, smell, and use the product for a true experience.Prototyping will help you understand the user experience better and expose any flaws or fixes you need to make before you reach the next step of your product design.

Prototypes like Personal ID have shown people the difference a product can make on women’s safety by helping them detect whether or not their drink has been drugged. This example shows the importance of prototyping, since they will want to ensure the product properly performs the way it’s supposed to. Providing accurate information to its users once it’s launched is obviously important. As you can see, if prototyping was skipped to save time or money during the design process, it could cause major issues and larger expenses/delays when the product is launched.

The advantages and solutions of industrial design

First, consumers have the right to speak on the user experience of products, and it is very important to improve the dependence of users on product functions. For industrial design companies, product user experience design is very mature at the present stage. Interesting design is the key to solve the lack of user interest in the product, and solving the problem of user stickiness is the best way to solve this problem.


Second, through practical and effective design ideas, combined with comprehensive design methods, the process of designing and developing products is simplified, so that all product designs are qualified to achieve market competitive advantages.



●CNC machining

Custom production of industrial design plastic parts and metal parts using CNC milling solutions. We create your custom industrial designs based on your designs. CNC Industrial designs parts, we can help you realize your idea.


●Vacuum casting

Vacuum casting is a common processing method for forging medical components in industrial design industry. It is used to make the mold with low cost and short time to carry out vacuum casting, which is suitable for rapid prototyping with high performance.


●Injection molding
Injection molding is a process for rapidly manufacturing large quantities of plastic products, which are easy to color, and have competitive unit price and high quality.

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